DeviceHive becomes a member of AllSeen Alliance

Along with companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Panasonic, Sony, and others, DeviceHive has become a member of the AllSeen Alliance. The main mission of the AllSeen Alliance is to enable widespread adoption and help accelerate the development and evolution of an interoperable peer connectivity and communications framework based on AllJoyn for devices and applications in the Internet of Everything.

DeviceHive will bring together AllJoyn proximal networks and the cloud as well as integrate various standards with AllJoyn on the edge. A full list of member companies – DeviceHive’s First Strategic Partner in the IoT Space

This October, – a data service exchange for connected device platforms – and DeviceHive became strategic partners. Our team is excited about the parternship!’s platform provides the missing piece to a complete IoT solution: data services and analytics. The resulting solution will allow better integration of IoT devices and consumers of the data, helping build complex apps in less time.