Enterprise Developers can’t miss the NY Open Source IoT Summit

Thursday, November 12, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (EST)
New York, NYC

Register now: http://opensourceiot.eventbrite.com

Hearing a lot about IoT lately? Want to learn everything from home automation to Industrial IoT? Want to try enterprise IoT solutions yourself? The Open Source IoT Summit is about open-source IoT and Azure IoT solutions that anybody can use. Join Microsoft, Ubuntu / Canonical and DataArt to learn all about it and jointly start creating IoT solutions.


  • How to create and

wot.io – DeviceHive’s First Strategic Partner in the IoT Space

This October, wot.io – a data service exchange for connected device platforms – and DeviceHive became strategic partners. Our team is excited about the parternship! Wot.io’s platform provides the missing piece to a complete IoT solution: data services and analytics. The resulting solution will allow better integration of IoT devices and consumers of the data, helping build complex apps in less time.

DeviceHive team adapts end-device code to run on an open source RTOS

The DeviceHive team provides versions of its software for a wide range of end-device architectures such as Microchip’s PIC, TI’s MSP, Atmel’s AVR and various implementations of ARM, maintaining a separate code branch for each one. Though written in C, the end device part uses hardware specific code for every particular SoC, thus making support and development a tricky and time-intensive job.

What has existed in the world of big machines for over than 50 years, the operating system (OS), is now finding its place